So today the Clinton Campaign comes out in full on damage control mode over the Intelligence Community Inspector Generals report that two emails that traversed Hillary’s private email server were in fact classified in nature. As we all know the Clinton camp has staunchly denied since the private server came to light.
You might hear some news over the next few days about Hillary Clinton’s emails,” writes Clinton’s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, in an email to supporters. “There’s a lot of misinformation, so bear with us; the truth matters on this.
The Inspector general found 2 emails ,in the small sample provided to them out of 30,000+ emails, that were in fact classified. Jennifer Palmieri responded to this by stating
“Some emails that weren’t secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now,” Palmieri writes. “And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn’t surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary’s emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.”
Palmieri also claims this whole this is a political witch hunt by the Benghazi Committee and all part of running for president. Huh? Here is a thought why didnt you just do what all the other Secretary of State’s have done and use the Govt provided email. Its not rocket science and the fact is you make yourself look guilty by breaking the mold. Do I think the Justice Dept will actually bring charges against her …. No. If it was you or I we would be sitting in Gitmo right now waiting for a trial. If it was a Republican you know this would be all over the place.
Clinton has finally instructed her camp to turn over the server to the Justice Dept. That’s a start but I severely doubt they will find anything Clinton left the State Dept in 2013 and did not hand over her records till almost 2 years later. That included Top Secret briefs and everything else. So it begs the question of “Why hold on to this stuff that long”
I see MSNBC is still towing the Hillary line … so it will be interesting to watch this as it gains a head of steam.