Liberals demanded that the Washington Redskins change their name, even though it “offends” only Barack Obama and Harry Reid and not actual Native Americans. In fact, as TRN reported, most Indians support the name as a point of pride.
Well not content with that, now liberals in Minnesota are changing the name of a fish.
That’s right a FISH. Why? Well because it’s name is “offensive”, of course. This time to Asian-Americans. (Despite the fact that no actual Asian-American group complained about it)
The Minnesota Senate approved John Hoffman’s (D-MN) bill to change the name “Asian carp” so called because the species originates from Asia, to “invasive carp”. Since Asian carp were introduced in the U.S. in the 1970′s, the fish have spread to dozens of states causing destruction in the delicate ecosystems of the waterways.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been fighting off the most invasive species, the black carp from China, the Silver carp from Vietnam, and Grass carp from China from spreading into the Great Lakes were the fish could do massive damage the regions fishing industry. While arguing his case on the Senate floor, Hoffman said that referring to the fish as “Asian” was hurtful to some people
Keep in mind that, according to Wikipedia, this fish has been known as the Asian Carp for centuries — and even the Chinese use that term. But now, according to Minnesota legislature, it is just too offensive to endure.
What is next for these wackos? Changing the racist name of the Black Bear? How about “hurtful” nicknames for U.S. military weapons, like the Apache helicopter, or Tomahawk missile?

The hateful, racist Asian Carp
Read the rest of the story here